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Cryptocurrency, also known as Virtual Currency or “Crypto,” is a digital asset designed to function as an alternative to sovereign fiat currency (US Dollars, for example) whereby transactions between two parties are verified through a public, distributed ledger, also known as a blockchain. Most people think of Bitcoin and/or Ether when they hear the word “Crypto,” and while Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and most widely followed, there are a number of cryptocurrencies currently available.

The Engiven platform is a third party vendor provided donation software technology that enables nonprofits to safely and securely receive cryptocurrency donations and then convert those donations into usable fiat currency such as US dollars. Learn more about Engiven here.

For U.S. tax purposes, transactions using virtual currency must be reported in U.S. dollars. Therefore, taxpayers will be required to determine the fair market value of virtual currency in U.S. dollars as of the date of donation. If a virtual currency is listed on an exchange and the exchange rate is established by market supply and demand, the fair market value of the virtual currency is determined by converting the virtual currency into U.S. dollars (or into another real currency which in turn can be converted into U.S. dollars) at the exchange rate, in a reasonable manner that is consistently applied. Donors who give cryptocurrency donations to Charity Entrepreneurship will receive an electronic donation receipt (through the Engiven donation platform) in US dollars with comprehensive details about each transaction.

A list of the cryptocurrencies that we accept is available via the drop-down on our giving form form

Player's Philanthropy Fund is a 501(c)(3) public charity that serves as our foundation's back office administrator through a Fiscal Sponsorship platform.